A Tale of Credit Cards and Consumer Behavior In the wake of the pandemic and rising crime rates many businesses have selected to eliminate cash payments from their businesses entirely. Recently I went to pick up a to-go order and was shocked to see that they wouldn’t take my cash. At a hair salon I was encountered with the same thing. Both places were more than happy to take cash […]
PCI Compliance & Website Security
Staying Secure in the 2020’s We’ve all seen what happens when security is violated. Customer information is compromised and confidence in providers is damaged or entirely lost. Maintaining proper security with customer information is one way to protect your customers, your business and to avoid being a negative headline. PCI Compliance is one of the ways to protect customer data when operating a website. What Is PCI Compliance? Even PCI […]
Google Raises the Cost of Business
G Suite (Gmail for Business) Price Increase Notice In January of this year the Vice President of Product Management for G Suite, David Thacker, announced that Google intended on raising their pricing, which had remained constant for over a decade. As Google continues to develop more ways for your team and business to collaborate in real time with secure, intelligent tools, your business is able to be more efficient and […]
Windows 10 Day!
It goes without saying that PC users were less than happy when they were forced to update from Windows 7 to Windows 8. PC Users resisted the switch so much that Windows 8 was blamed for lower than normal sales after it’s release. When we caught wind that the next version of Windows would be 10 and not 9 we held out hopes that they were making significant changes to […]