As you may be aware the Internet turned 25 recently, on March 12 to be exact. The inventor of the web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee had a brilliant idea to improve information by creating a ‘web’ of notes with intertwining links between them.
In 1990 he wrote the very first browser and editor and just 3 short years later his physics lab, CERN, declared that the technology would be available, for free, forever. It was slow moving at first, but just a quarter of a century later and almost half of us are connected and creating online. In this time trillions of dollars have been generated and huge strides have been made in fields from healthcare to education.
Like anything in technology, there have been a number of changes, but one thing will continue to remain constant. The Internet is open sourced and supports any language, making your only limitations your imagination.
A World Without Internet?
Today it is almost impossible to think about a world without the Internet. When it started there was a much different landscape, before Ask Jeeves, AOL, or even Google were common knowledge. Before chatting could be done not only on a desktop, but a laptop, tablet, or phone.
Many of us can not imagine a world without the Internet, without online ordering or sharing photos. Think back, what were some of the first emails you got, and the process to get email then versus today. We would love to hear about some of your first moments online and what you thought of back then.
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