Building backlinks, those are links to your website from other websites, are great for increasing the ranking of your website and pages. This simple fact is enough information to make most website owners a danger to themselves. It’s for this reason that so many websites provide link building services. Unfortunately, most website owners don’t understand the difference between building solid backlinks, and ones that can actually hurt their rankings.
Free Link Building Tools
Think that a free link building tool is the right way to go? Think again. Most of the “Free” link building tools actually hurt your rankings unless you pay for an upgrade. The free ones that work, such as Google Webmaster Tools, take quite a bit of effort to use and are not click and wait to soar to the top of your keywords. Be weary if a link building site is free without being clear about plans and pricing options, promises to link build for you, and doesn’t provide solid reporting.
Elements of a Good Link Building Tool
A proper link building tool will offer a few essential elements, and provide you with solid opportunities to increase your backlinks and rankings. There is work involved in link building, but if you want the SEO benefits of backlinks, you have to put in the time, or hire a marketing company that knows how to do this for you.
Research Options – You must be able to create a list of links that would be beneficial for your site to be linked with.
Link Data – Good link building tools have information about each link that includes details on why it’s good for your site.
Status Reports – Current link reports to your site, their status and authority.
There is always more information on any topic than we could possibly write about in a single article. So be sure to follow us on social media or come back to our blog for more information about SEO backlinking or other services. If you want to start a campaign, be sure to reach out to our team, and we can start one for you today.