With all the tools that automatically syndicate your blog posts to the top social media engines optimizing for individual media outlets have become a harder case to make to business owners. The fact is that these tools syndicate without any effort and often minimal cost. Helping companies understand the need to customize messages according to individual media platforms has become increasingly challenging for marketing companies.
While most people generally understand that there are different audiences and needs from one social media site to another, they don’t necessarily understand how important it is to adjust your message. Without going into too much details as to why it is important just keep this in mind; through every iteration of Google’s algorithm one of the constants is that original content is required to make yourself authoritative and it is this authority that makes your website rank.
Here is how you can be most effective with your content across the major social networks. Contact Hunter Marketing Group today if you would like help making your marketing campaigns more effective in generating leads for your business.
Invite Commentary on LinkedIn
As the leading professional networking and recruiting site posts are expected to be experts sharing trending topics and discussing industry facts. Unlike the other platforms your posts are expected to take on a more professional tone. Consider the last professional networking event you attended for your business and compose your message the same way you would address this group. You are in fact accomplishing the same objective. Make sure your message evokes a response, but don’t always just ask a question. Try to give a fact or summary in a way that makes followers and connections feel as though they are already part of the conversation.
Summarize on Twitter
With only 140 characters to get your message across the truth is that you are more effective with a single line than taking up the available space. All too often tweeters use an article title or are too generic with their words. Instead, try to use a stat or summary and limit it as much as possible. Afterall, if your website is properly optimized your title will be in the included link, which should be minimized or abbreviated as well.
Google+ is all about Images
With the limited engagement and relative newness of Google+ they are still placing a large emphasis on images and is one of the only ones that allows you to share animated GIF images. Take advantage of this and make sure your content is using images to show the story you are trying to convey.
Facebook is for Conversations
Even with the latest algorithm changes and design reiterations you should be mindful to not sway your conversation too far in the personal or business direction. The current mix is intentionally blended and being too much of one or the other may remove you from your target audience’s feed. To effectively create a marketing message on Facebook you will want to keep it light and conversational. A good way to doing this is to choose a specific segment of your audience and create the message specifically for them. If you want people to speak to you, you should try to speak directly to them.
While each platform has it’s own set of norms to convey messages effectively, the core message is that you should speak to the individual audiences individually. Sending an automatic update to every platform gets your message out there, but if you want followers and friends to engage with you there is much more that must be done.
Still have questions? Post them in the comments below or reach out to us on the social networks and join the conversation with us today.
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