We see them all the time, shared on Facebook, Twitter Vines, on YouTube, in Blogs, videos are everywhere you look. From short humorous clips to the longer more infamous viral videos shared by the masses, but how do you do it? Sorry to disappoint you, but there is not a simple recipe to creating a video shared by millions.
What a Viral Video Isn’t
Like everyone else, we are constantly pitched by companies that claim to have a secret recipe to creating a viral video. About five minutes into a pitch about plastering text, logos, and links across what can basically be described as a commercial, I end the pitch and get on with my busy day. If I wanted a promotional video like that, I would zoom back about 5 years and pick one up off the cutting room floor.
To be noticed you have to do something different, something no one else has thought of doing yet, something that takes a lot of creativity and risk. To create a video to be shared by millions you have to be ready for it to fail, as much as you have to be ready for it to succeed. Again, there is no secret recipe, but follow these tips to make something unique.
1. Evoke Emotion
Whether it be laughter or tears, emotion is the root of virility. When you truly move someone emotionally, they are likely to share that with others, hence the concept of going viral.
2. Make it Awesome
Not just cool, or slightly above average, but awesome. Being okay will probably get you some views and a few shares, but inspiring awe. Make people want to do what you do. Being different and controversial can achieve this as well.
3. Brand Placement, Not Promotion
Look, we understand that you want your brand to be involved, otherwise sponsoring the coin to create the video might be a hard sell, but if you turn it into a promotional video, no one is going to share it. Strategically placing your brand on key elements within the video will give you exposure without obvious promotion.
4. Have a Plan
While you could be the one in a billion that shares a video and it just happens to get shared by millions, don’t count on luck to be your viral strategy. Make sure that you have an audience to view the video, then share it with them, and keep going. Don’t stop with people already in your brand’s social circle. Share it with neighbors and friends, encourage them to share it. Point out what makes it shareable, and that brings us to the final tip.
5. Have a Place to Send People
Having a video go viral is great, but if you aren’t sending people to a place that converts viewers into loyal customers it’s all for not. Establish a site and a conversion goal before creating your video, and test it before you consider launching a video that can flop on the conversion.
Do you have any tips or tricks to creating a viral video? We would love to hear from you.
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